Emissary of Light

The end of time will not come like people think

The end of time will not come like people think. Time will end in Light because it began in darkness. Time will end when humanity accepts eternity as its home . . . when people understand the true meaning of peace so they can choose love over fear.

~ from EMISSARY OF LIGHT by James F. Twyman

The secret of unconditional love is that we are all the same

Love by its very nature is a gift freely given. And yet, this gift is known only as it is given again . . .  Give as love gives -- just as the sun that gives its light to all who ask, or the sparrow that sings for the song itself. When you give love, love is your reward. When you judge some people worthy of your giving and other people as undeserving, you have forgotten love's law . . . The secret of unconditional love is that we are all the same, holy beyond imagine. This is what the release of fear reveals . . . This is what you will find when you open your heart to every element of creation.

~ from EMISSARY OF LIGHT by James Twyman
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