From the Center

All things speak to me

All things speak to me.
Now this color, now that shape.
Now the clear call of the loon.
The forest sees me coming
And each tree says, "Look at me.
See, I reveal the Beautiful." . . .

~ from FROM THE CENTER by Robert J. Hope

In each hour there is the power of a now

They are not long,
These days to be,
But a taste of eternity.
Yet in each day,
In each hour,
There is the power
Of a Now
That stretches timeless
In its core
And knows eternity
Be not more.

~ from FROM THE CENTER by Robert J. Hope

In each hour there is the power of a Now

They are not long
These days to be
But a taste of eternity.
In each hour,
There is the power
Of a Now
That stretches timeless
In Its core
And knows eternity
Be not more.

~ from FROM THE CENTER by Robert J. Hope
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